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Looking ahead to IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas 2017

Howaru Shape: 'A new way of looking at weight management'

By Stephen Daniells

DuPont Nutrition & Health’s newly launched Howaru Shape is backed up by a clinical study that found that daily supplements of the probiotic may reduce body fat by 4.5%.

Looming perfect storm will lead to Aussie CBD boom, pioneer predicts

Looming perfect storm will lead to Aussie CBD boom, pioneer predicts

By RJ Whitehead

An anticipated perfect storm in Australia, involving the recent legalisation of medical cannabis and the expected approval of hemp in foods and nutrition later this year, has led to the government stopping the export of hemp products to ensure national...

Science boss: Omega-3s could get boost by aping pharma doses

Science boss: Omega-3s could get boost by aping pharma doses

By RJ Whitehead

It was has a huge challenge for Nils Hoem, Aker Biomarine’s chief scientists, to understand the specifics of nutraceuticals when he first arrived at the Norwegian krill oil manufacturer in 2008 after a career in pharmaceuticals.

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