Dairy-based ingredients

Nutra business: See latest developments from Avesthagen, Kirin, Yakult, Miriqa

Brand new: Avesthagen, Kirin, Yakult, Miriqa in the spotlight

By Tingmin Koe

See the latest developments from health and nutrition brands across Asia-Pacific, including Avesthagen’s launch of its first preventive health product, Kirin’s first Food with Function Claims (FFC) sports nutrition drink, and Yakult’s reformulation of...

Wellous, Sprout Organic, Junlebao in nutrition brand round-up

Brand new: Wellous, Sprout Organic, Junlebao in the spotlight

By Tingmin Koe

See the latest developments from health and nutrition brands across Asia-Pacific, including Wellous' and Sprout Organic's market expansion plans, as well as Junlebao Dairy's launch of Nutrition Science Strategy to beef up the science behind...

Our 10 most-read China health and nutrition stories of 2022 revealed

China focus: Our 10 most-read China stories of 2022 revealed

By Tingmin Koe

Health and Happiness Group (H&H Group)’s new product development priorities, Nestle launching infant formulas containing a novel nutrient blend and human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs), and Danone’s healthy ageing products are some of the most popular...