Healthy ageing

Healthy drinks and organic dairy offer ample growth opportunities, say experts. ©iStock

Six Japan food, nutrition and consumer trends set to shape 2017

By Gary Scattergood

We pinpoint six of the must-know food, nutrition and consumer trends taking shape in Japan, from superfoods to sports nutrition, ahead of one of the country's biggest trade shows, FoodEx Japan, which takes place next month.

How Australia’s omega-3 map will feed frenzied fatty acid research

Exclusive interview

How Australia’s omega-3 map will feed frenzied fatty acid research

By RJ Whitehead

“We are building it while we’re flying it,” says William Harris, the distinguished American omega-3 researcher, of a mapping project to find out the true level of omega-3s in Australians’ blood, at a time when three-quarters of the population are believed...