Timing nutrient intake for peak performance: Lessons for the industry

This content item was originally published on www.nutraingredients.com, a William Reed online publication.

By Will Chu

- Last updated on GMT

The concept of nutrient timing still has a place among the supplements and recovery aids that make up the sports nutrition sector, as an expert believes manufacturers can harness its principles to enhance a product's effectiveness.

“Manufacturers can help athletes to recover better,”​ insisted Dr Fernando Naclerio, principal lecturer in strength training and sports nutrition at the University of Greenwich.

“The best course of action is to consumer high-qualifying food, including proportionally appropriate amounts of macronutrients to provide the athlete with what they need to aid in recovery.

Speaking at this year’s Vitafoods in Geneva, Dr Naclerio advocates a nutritional strategy, which involves the consumption of nutrients such as protein and carbohydrate, particularly during the post-exercise period.

This window of opportunity is not only crucial in the rebuilding of damaged muscle tissue; it does so in a way that enhances body composition and athletic performance.

In addition, when specific nutrients are consumed, in what form and ratio has also proved significant in helping to build up a robustness that contributes to reduce incidents of injury.

“From a practical point of view timing nutrient consumption and their distribution, with a special focus on what to eat after training is needed.

“From this point of view, supplementation or looking for a good, high-quality multi-nutrient food would be beneficial for athletes.”

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