Regulation & policy

There is considerable activity around food regulations in Australia. ©iStock

FoodPro / AIFST Convention 2017

Australia’s food regulation changes: ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’

By Gary Scattergood

The desired policy outcomes for Australian food and drink regulations are rapidly shifting away from food safety and point-of-sale information to being focused on public health and consumer rights…leading to some “good”, but other “bad and ugly” changes...

Australia, NZ most obese OECD countries in APAC

Australia, NZ most obese OECD countries in APAC

By Cheryl Tay

Australia and New Zealand are now among the OECD’s five most obese nations, while Japan and South Korea are the two least obese nations on the list, according to the OECD’s Obesity Update 2017.

Cannabis crusaders cheer after 19 years of dashed hopes

The sativa saga: Part 1

Cannabis crusaders cheer after 19 years of dashed hopes

By RJ Whitehead

On Friday, April 28, Australia—and to some extent New Zealand—witnessed the birth of a brand new industry segment, when a council of ministers agreed finally to permit the consumption of hemp seeds by humans as food.

The president of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, Dr E-Siong Tee.


Malaysia’s obesity crisis: Time for less talk and more funding for action

By Gary Scattergood

“We’re good at publishing obesity plans, but not funding action”: That’s how the president of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia Dr E-Siong Tee has described his country’s efforts at improving health in a nation where one-in-two adults are overweight or...

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