NutraIngredients Omega-3 Summit
WATCH: How 'believability, convenience and excitement' can propel omega-3 growth in Asia
In this exclusive video interview, filmed at the first NutraIngredients Omega-3 Summit in Singapore, Scheffler hones in on the key attributes consumers are looking for in dietary supplements in general, and for omega-3 products in general.
He also discusses how Asia is set to drive category growth in the coming years, and explains why he believes that innovations such as omega-3 index testing are set gain in popularity across the region.
In terms of future developments, he also underlines the immense opportunities afforded by linking index testing to individual health outcomes, and discusses why delivery system innovations, in addition to improved absorption solutions, are crucial to the categories success.
Take a look at the video for more, find out more about some of the additiona insights shared by BASF at the summit here.