Complementary Medicines

Vitamins, supplements and intelligent ageing


Vitamins, supplements and intelligent ageing

By Miho Kikuchi

They say that grey hair is a symbol of wisdom. This is so true as many Australian seniors are now taking a more proactive approach to their own healthcare by doing independent research to stay healthy and active. 

Senior official: Australia needs preventative-curative health approach

Senior official: Australia needs preventative-curative health approach

By RJ Whitehead

Australian governments must wean patients off expensive hospital treatment by investing more heavily in preventative medicine and risk management, according to a senior health official, at a time when lifestyle diseases are putting a serious strain on...

Oz government should provide more support for complementary medicine

Oz government should provide more support for complementary medicine

By RJ Whitehead

According to Australia’s Complementary Healthcare Council, 2014 will put an ever-increasing burden of chronic health problems on the country’s healthcare system. As a result, the body is urging the government increase prominence for complementary medicines...


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