Tailored probiotic supplements for individuals could help address age-related cognitive decline, according to researchers of a case study conducted in Taiwan.
This round-up looks at the latest health and nutrition research, including how the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet and encapsulated curcumin supplementation could support cognitive function in older adults, how vitamin D deficiency...
The supplementation of curcumin encapsulated within fenugreek mucilage has shown to improve cognitive and locomotive function of patients suffering from mild dementia, according to a six-month-long RCT conducted in India.
A new review led by the University of Queensland prompts further research into capsaicin —a molecule derived from red chili peppers—for the prevention of cognitive decline in the aging and obese. It highlights a particular ingredient as a potentially...
Increasing protein intake appears to reduce the risk of cognitive impairment in older age, while an extreme decline in animal-based protein consumption is linked with a 48% increase, new data from a long-term China study suggests.
Japan’s food seasoning giant Ajinomoto is proposing amino acids like monosodium glutamate (MSG) as a candidate to help fight dementia and is working on a new range of seasoning products to help improve cognitive health.
There is growing evidence that certain plant-based nutrients in tea and mushroom may help to delay cognitive decline as we age, and may provide more promising focuses for further research after multiple products touted by the pharma sector ended in failure.