
New scientific findings on health supplements for menopause, eye health, weight loss

Science shorts: Menopause, eye health, weight loss in the spotlight

By Tingmin Koe

This round-up looks at the latest health and nutrition research on the benefits of soybean paste fermented with kōji mould and probiotic in alleviating menopause symptoms, how supplementation of fibre from resistance starch could support weight loss,...

New research has shown that probiotics supplementation could improve mood, sexual function among women on anti-depressants. © Getty Images

Probiotics may improve sexual function in women on anti-depressants

By Cheryl Marie Tay

Probiotic supplementation could have the potential to improve mood and sexual function in women diagnosed with depression and being treated with anti-depressant medication in the form of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), say researchers...

The impact of modern living on microbiome profile and allergies

The impact of modern living on microbiome profile and allergies

By Claudia Adrien

A new review by Australia-based researchers suggests there is a shortage of proven and reliable microbiome-based interventions for allergic disorders. Writing in the World Allergy Organization Journal, the scientists connect this to the interaction between...


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