All news articles for March 2023

Review proposes red chili pepper extract for brain health studies

Review proposes red chili pepper extract for brain health studies

By Asia Sherman

A new review led by the University of Queensland prompts further research into capsaicin —a molecule derived from red chili peppers—for the prevention of cognitive decline in the aging and obese. It highlights a particular ingredient as a potentially...

Wellous, Sprout Organic, Junlebao in nutrition brand round-up

Brand new: Wellous, Sprout Organic, Junlebao in the spotlight

By Tingmin Koe

See the latest developments from health and nutrition brands across Asia-Pacific, including Wellous' and Sprout Organic's market expansion plans, as well as Junlebao Dairy's launch of Nutrition Science Strategy to beef up the science behind...

サイエンス ショート:食生活とCVDリスク、タンパク質と認知機能

サイエンス ショート:食生活とCVDリスク、タンパク質と認知機能

By Hui Ling Dang


ブラン ニュー:Renovatio、Hemp Foods Australia、Blackmores

ブラン ニュー:Renovatio、Hemp Foods Australia、Blackmores

By Hui Ling Dang

活性化フェノールを常備食品に取り入れたRenovatio、Hemp Foods Australiaの拡大戦略、Blackmoresの精神集中のための新製品など、アジア太平洋地域の栄養補助食品ブランドの最新の動きを紹介します。

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